Isbjorn Refit Party - Thanks!

We would like to give a big thank you to all of you who came out and helped out on the boat during our refit party! We are humbled to have so many awesome and fun-to-hang-out-with supporters & friends! The work could not have been done with out you! 

One thing that we learned during the week is that boat work is much more fun when you hang out with fun people! The project list is still growing but we have gotten tons of work accomplished already! Below are some photos of the refit and last weeks work, click on one of the photos to get them bigger and scroll through them!

Special Thank You to:

Paul Exner
Brady & Nadine Kern
Dan Levine
Tom Mayo
Kevin Ladenheim
Richard Ballentine (& Sarah for the company)
Rory & Kara Finneren
Lee Cumberland
Mike Chepurin
TJ Hart
Tom Herrington
Dennis Schell
Jeff Wetting
Chris Smoker
Jim Plante
Lance (for stopping by for lunch and hanging out)
Tom & Ruth Harking for coming by and checking out the boat
and to all of you who stopped by!

We promise to upload more pics when the projects are done!

Cheers to you all!