Caribbean 1500: Isbjorn to Sojourner

Hey Everyone! Liz here! Andy, Mia, and Dennis are on their way to Tortola in the Caribbean 1500 (as you may have heard). This is the first time Andy, Mia, & Dennis have done a rally on different boats! Here is an email from Isbjorn to Sojourner!

Howdy boys! How's life on Sojourner? Pretty nice night last night, eh? We motored for like three hours around sunset, then set the pole and started sailing again, and have been doing so ever since. Gybed the whole rig over this morning, so we're on port tack now, and expect to be for the next several days!

I guess you guys got the weather from WRI - told you it'd be gnarly! GRIBS say about the same thing. Looks like less gnar west and south, and you guys bringing up the rear will probably get the least of it. A bit north of us they're calling for 20-foot swells! So if it gets crazy, head south.

My guys are doing great. Tom is a tad seasick this morning and fell out of bed when the boat rolled hard, but he's fine. Everyone else is eating, reading & enjoying life! I got almost a full nights sleep last night, just on deck once at midnight to help set the pole.

Should be entering the Gulf Stream in another ten miles or so. Hoping this nice easy NW'ly hangs around long enough til we get spit out the other side. Going to be some proper ocean sailing thereafter! Stay safe gang and have fun!